Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Where to Start...
As the End of the day grows nearer, I sit in peace in my home away from home. As of right now I am working in Southern Idaho near a town called Bliss.... Now not to Judge a town.... But the actually city seems far from Bliss.... However as I drive into work down and back out the Malad River Gorge, The views are amazing. Having come across this beautiful, fertile little oasis after coming across the desert just amazes me. It is such a change of pace and scenery. Makes you realize some times in life you need to slow down and open your eyes to see the real beauty of it all. Driving through you catch all the rock formations carved out by the river over millions of years, as you carve through the canyon next to the river, the tiny water falls dropping hundreds of feet out from the desert floor above. The best part of the day is coming up onto the high mesa where I work on the other side, to crest the top and watch the sunlight play peekaboo through the clouds as it rises up from the ashes of yesterday. Yesterday is gone and today has arrived, yet tomorrow will soon be gone...... I have come to realize why they call this Oasis in the canyon Bliss, ID

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dreams List

dreamers dream, that is what they do...
so here are the true dreams of this dreamer

no certain order just numbered

1.Visit Australia
2.Visit Scotland
3.Visit the 4 corners of the USA
4.See the sunrise on the eastern most place in the US (lower 48)
5.see the sunset on the western most part in the US (lower 48)
6.Watch My son grow into a man
7.Go offshore fishing
8.Ride a motorcycle through all 50 states
9.Take my wife on a trip somewhere she has always wanted to go
10.Go on a Fishing trip with my father
11.Buy some land (approx 40-50 acres would be enough but not specifically that amount)
12.Build a house on said land in prior statement
13.Go bow hunting for antelope
14.Get my NCCCO certification for operating cranes
15.Draw something and put it in a exhibit or show
16.Climb a mountain and feel on top of the world for a second
17.Find out my familys true heritage and where we come from.... my dad will probably find it first though :)
18.Teach my son the importance of hard work and what it means to do what you love and love what you do.
19.Go sailing for a month or so
22.Do either 20 or 21 in a wing(squirrel) suit
23.Get a pilots license
24.Fly a Helicopter
25.Rebuild a Car or motorcycle
26.Visit Alaska...the real alaska in the backcountry
27.Reconnect with a lost brother
28.Teach my wife how to shoot
29.Take my son on a hunting trip
31.............more to come...........

Friday, March 9, 2012

Life... its so short that you could literally think of it as a blink of an eye, it goes by so fast, we grow and get old, friends come and go, some stay forever and you never see them or talk as often as you want, yet we know in our hearts who they truly are... don't take life for granted, do what you can while you can, if you can dream it you can surely do it.... i have dreams, and i wont let them slide away... I hope if i can teach my son one thing it will be to believe in himself and never let anyone tell him he cant do something he wants too....
so heres to ME and my family and friends

- My bucket list
<<<<<SOON TO COME>>>>>

Saturday, February 25, 2012


As I sit here, I ponder the meaning of life, the strength and power of mother natures inferno... yet she has a softer more delicate side, the tranquility as I listen to the winds outside my door, howling like a wolf  at the moon. Like a pack of creatures calling to one another with a different song. Different octaves, for each gust, like whales in the sea, singing a song. So loud, so full of anger, other times, she is peaceful and soft. The snowflakes coming down in a swirling collision with earth, yet if you look closer and open your eyes to the serenity of it all,  they fall like tiny dancers. Each one with a different soul, no two the same. They twirl and twist, jump and dive. Each one to its own rhythm, each one has its own song, yet all of them intertwined into a fantastic ballet. Sometimes you have to really sit and think to see they beauty in things, other times like today, it comes natural in a calm steady peace. Makes you wonder how something so full of  creating destruction, can be so dramatic, and amazing. so full of inspiring awe , So.... Beautiful...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Salt lake weekend trip

Sitting at my sister in laws and watching the heavy equipment tear through the earth in her back yard, makes me wish I was working... scrapers, dozers, trucks, excavators all the necessities to move a mountain

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Laziness and relaxing snuggled up on the couch with wife while it slowly drizzles outside, nothing better and its a perfect morning for it

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Heres some older drawings i have done in the past
A couple of semis and my idea for bringing back the Chevy El Camino

Hmmm, not too sure on it anymore, cant decide....
i like it yet my brain says the flow of it is off somehow
adding some vines and more flowers today
just need to get some colors down

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Doodles of the day...

Been working on some tattoo ideas for someone, and these are what i came up with ...

Introducing me!

Me and my beautiful wife, she stands next to me through thick and thin, gave me the most awesome son in the world, and I couldn't ask for anything else from her! So this first blog goes out in dedication to my wife.....

Feb. 8th 2012

Today, I start my blog... i have no known plan for my ultimate goal. just thinking it could be kinda interesting.


Today let the Randomness of this dreamer begin to dream....